My Ad Click Xpress Scam Blog
Profit Clicking has now migrated to Ad Click Xpress - Same Shit, different name :P - My Profit Clicking Progression
Friday, November 1, 2013
End of the road...
Looks like my journey with ACX has come to an end; with the last restart they made on October the 25th all of my active Ad Packs have been converted leaving me with $0 Daily Sales Commissions. $25 have been added to my XS Wallet (another bullshit) where I cannot withdraw it but only purchase new Ad Packs or Panels. I'm really not in the mood right now to start again from zero as with those $25 I can only purchase 2 positions earning $0.40 per day. It will take me ages to get back to earn $5 per day.
I'm thinking about purchasing an Ad Panel with that money and see if it will cycle any day... either way I'm done with this...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Another Xpress Shift :(

What an ideal time to be part of ACX - the Best
of the Best! Thank you for choosing us, and a
warm welcome to our newest members!
XpressShift Leads to Major Changes--
By now you had probably noticed our website had
been temporarily down while important maintenance
work was done and another XpressShift was initiated.
With the successful completion of this latest "restart",
ACX is now positioned to commence a new era of
incredible money-making opportunities for our members,
the likes of which have rarely been accomplished in the
history of the internet.
This XpressShift is a necessary factor in implementing
the new withdrawal system that no longer requires
Green Light notifications. We appreciate our members'
patience and understanding in allowing the time to
complete Media Xchange Launch prior to making
necessary changes to the withdrawals. It is largely a
result of the phenomenal success of the Media Xchange
that YOU HELPED CREATE that makes it possible to
announce the following fantastic news:
Going forward ALL withdrawals will be available for
100% of Daily Sales Commissions, not 25/75 as was
mentioned earlier!
We want to thank you for making the Media Xchange
so prevalent to our overall success in such a short time.
With the renewed confidence and support of this new
system we are able to make drastic improvements to
the entire ACX program. We believe ACX will appeal
to all people everywhere, which means one thing:
More Opportunities to Make Money for Members!
- XpressShift was successful with minimal affect on over
90% of member accounts - this is a "first" for XpressShifts,
ProfitShifts or Restarts since this compensation plan
launched over three years ago in JustBeenPaid.
- If you were eligible for the XpressShift, information
concerning your account is available by clicking on
"Your XpressShift Center" in the sidebar of the Member
- Pending withdrawals from the Ad System were
canceled due to XpressShift - money was returned to
your ACX Wallet to spend as you wish.
- Panels generated due the XpressShift will be starting
to feed into the Ad Panel System in the next couple of
- The Media Xchange withdrawal system has been
launched and first withdrawals will be paid within
24 - 48 hours.
- Restoration Initiatives to make out-of-pocket members
whole is one of the next major ACX projects on the near
horizon - keep watching.
- $5 Media Test Drives are still available for all who have
not tried out the FUN Media System - simply click on
"Switch" to get your first $5 to spend on Media Packs..
- The $5 Reward for 10 New Media Uploads Project is
full in process - read more about it in our previous
- Our newly added Pay Processor, PayToo is available
for funding and withdrawing (1% charge). If you haven't
signed up at PayToo, here is a link that will give you a
$10 Voucher to get your debit card:
Your Success is Now Inevitable--
Now is the time to make a renewed commitment to
follow your financial dreams. ACX has every tool and
support system you need to make as much money as
you want. Just do the activities that make you the most:
1) Buy as many Ad Packs and Media Packs as you can
No other program has the potential to earn hundreds of
dollars each day. You get to choose how many Ad/Media
Packs will pay you 2% each day (1% on weekends). If
you want to make $100 a day, it is simple to determine
how many Ad/Media Packs you need to buy.
2) Share the ACX Program with everyone.
Earn generous commissions on two levels (L1=10%,
L2=5%) on not only your referral's initial purchase,
but on every Ad/Media Pack they repurchase each
day. If you don't have much money to make your own
purchases, sponsoring several people who each make
small purchases will build your daily earnings quickly.
3) View the Media Uploads or Member Websites to
earn your Daily Sales Commissions.
In minutes a day you can earn hundreds or even
thousands of dollars by simply viewing the required
number of websites or media images.
Media Share Affiliate Page--
Click on the SHARE MEDIA Button while viewing
images in our Media Xchange, and you can instantly
create an Affiliate Page that can be sent to anyone
via Email or Instant Message. Just copy the URL
in the address bar and paste it into the body of your
Email or IM. Once your friends and family open it,
they can join ACX and start to earn money for
themselves. It's the easiest and most effective way
to share ACX and all the work is already done for you.
Once again, thank you for choosing ACX. We
understand your desires to improve your financial
situation, and we have the tools and the systems to
make it happen for you.
Here's to everyone's success!
ACX Executive Team
Monday, September 30, 2013
What about this new ACX Media Exchange?
Greetings Juan!
Hello and Welcome to our newest ACX Members. In case
you didn't already know this, ACX is one of the fastest
growing money-making programs on the internet today.
So if you are new to the ACX family, rest assured that you
have made a wise decision in joining us!
Media Xchange--
If you like the ACX Ad Packages and Panels system that
pays you to view websites every day, you are going to
LOVE our new ACX Media Xchange System that pays you
to watch videos, listen to music or view photos and other
images online! The best part is that you can earn MORE
with the new Media Packages and Panels. Plus, it's going
to be a lot more fun.
Media Packages will cost $5 each, earning $0.10 on
weekdays and $0.05 on weekends. You will continue to
earn these amounts until your Media Pack has paid you
up to $7.50. Doesn't that sound familiar? It's because it
is basically the same as the Ad Packages, only half the
price. Buy two Media Packs for $10 and then it's exactly
the same. Cool, huh! Earn up to 150% in about 88 days.
You might be saying to yourself, "How do I earn more
money if it is just like the Ad Packs?" We believe this new
Media Pack System is going to attract many more people
to join ACX because we are now paying members for
actions they are already doing every day! Watching videos,
viewing photos, or listening to music online is one of the
main activities of people who own handheld mobile devices,
which just happens to be nearly everyone on the planet!
ACX is very anxious to get the Media Xchange system
started, giving all the members another income stream!
Get your favorite videos, music and images ready for upload.
What a great way to make money!
There will be more information about the Media Xchange
launch coming soon, so keep your eyes and ears open.
And be sure to tell your friends and family to get ready to
make money doing what they already love to do!
Green Light System--
We are aware that some green lights are opening and closing
rather quickly. This is something we are taking steps to make
more convenient for our members. Thank you for your patience
and understanding. If by chance you are unable to place a
withdrawal during a 24-hour period, your best strategy is to use
those funds to purchase more Ad Packs. Allowing money to sit
in your wallet is not maximizing the system. Money is meant to
be working and that requires movement. Making your money
work for you is what we do at ACX!
Let's make the first week of October the best week ever!
Thanks again for being part of the ACX family!
ACX Executive Team
Thursday, September 26, 2013
My first ACX Ad Panel filling
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Geen light is red....
Saturday, September 14, 2013
My Xpress Shift for the 09.14.2013
Xpress Shift completed!
Hi there friends!
I have to say that I'm quite impressed with the first xpress shift we have been through with Ad Click Xpress; it has been quick and smooth compared with the ones we have dealed with in JBP and PC. I've not been able to check my ACX account yet but I will this afternoon, as soon as I get back home ;)
One thing that I did not like too much from their update is the implementation of the all famous "Green Light" for some of the processors.... Let's wait and see what is going to happen with this...
Here is the email I just read about this:
Greetings Juan!
Welcome to all our newest members. We hope you realize that you have joined the Best of the Best at ACX. And things are just starting to warm up! The weekly EMG Conference Call
Friday morning (Thursday evening in the Americas) was well attended, and the speakers did a wonderful job of explaining the latest news: ACX's first XpressShift.
XpressShift Completed
Yesterday the first ACX XpressShift was completed, and members were thrilled with the results. Mostly it was comforting for members to see just one more indication that the management team at ACX is doing whatever is necessary to insure that ACX Members can continue to be successful in their financial dreams.
The daily sales profits will resume today 9/14 and be back on track moving forward. We are also excited to announce that the withdrawal portals will be open as well now that the Xpress shift is completed, in just a few hours. May we remind you that momentum is at an all time high, so lets keep up the amazing work moving forward.
Here are a few XpressShift facts:
- The Cut-off Date for this XpressShift is August 29. That means any Ad Packs purchased after that date are not affected. For those purchased before that date, 35% to 70% of the packs were converted into Ad Panels. Most members saw very little reduction in their Daily Sales Commissions.
- The Daily Sales Commissions for this day were not paid due to the restructuring of accounts. This does not mean any commissions were lost, rather it delays the payment by one day only.
- Withdrawals made during the prior 24 hours were halted in order to facilitate the XpressShift. These funds have been returned to the members' wallets. Withdrawals will
resume quickly, however, to accommodate this first XpressShift, withdrawal limits may be adjusted temporarily.
Overall this important event has been a very positive experience because members realize this is the "mechanism" that allows for the Daily Sales Commissions to be paid indefinitely. Granted there will be a temporary reduction in
the daily earnings. However, the previous level of earnings members were receiving just two days ago can be reached quickly by simply repurchasing new Ad Packs everyday with 100% of your Daily Sales Commissions.
The GREAT News is that your converted Ad Packs are now feeding into the Ad Panel matrix, and soon members will be able to buy Accelerator Upgrades that will expedite payment of the Ad Panel Rebates of up to $60 when Completed. The XpressShift is the feature that makes all this possible!
In case you haven't figured it out, NOW is the perfect time to buy as many Ad Packs as you can afford. Tell your referrals who are sitting on the sideline that ACX is for real and Now is
the time. The timing has never been better.
Help For Referrals Who Haven't Re-engaged
As we work to provide better materials for marketing to new prospects, we don't want members to forget that their greatest source to increase commissions is in re-energizing the referrals who have not activated their ACX accounts.
They all have money in their wallets from the PC/CP migration, but still some are not responding. To assist you, we have created a power-point presentation that can give you ideas on how to approach your inactive referrals. Please check out the PPT at the following link. Click on the button that says "How To Help Your Referrals".
Green Light Withdrawal System
ACX has decided to implement the Green Light Withdrawal notification system to help members who can only use the smaller Pay Processors like EgoPay, OKPay and Perfect Money. Because there are only short time periods when these Pay Processors have not reached the maximum amount available in ACX, It is only natural that we would want help our members to know when the time is right. For members who prefer to use Solid Trust Pay (and often Payza), we anticipate never seeing
a Red Light on those processors. These two companies are much larger and can accommodate the needs of most ACX members. Unfortunately, they are not always easily accessible for members In some countries. Therefore, as a way to support members in markets worldwide, we are implementing the Green Light system to notify them when they can request their withdrawals. We are very glad to be able to offer this service to our members.
Language Assistance
In order to help members in non-English speaking areas, we are finding Global Representatives who can act as ACX Support Staff for members in these areas. In order to know which language members speak, a Language Box has been added to MY
ACCOUNT in the MY PROFILE area of the Dashboard. We encourage ALL members to go there to identify and save the language you prefer, so we can better serve you in the future.
Lastly, we want to thank you once again for allowing us to be part of your journey. We know why you are here, and we know how to help. You have our word!
Here's to a success week ahead.
ACX Executive Team