Friday, June 28, 2013

Their version....

Hello friends!

We received an email from Profit Clicking today. It is the "Must Read" Story about what has happened with Profit Clicking. They have wrote their version of the story with the following info:
- why did Profit Clicking close?
- where did the money in my account go?
- why was everything so complicated?
- is it important to know what happened?
- what is JustBeenPaid?
- why was the Profit Clicking site down a lot?
- what do I do now?

The email, of course, also tells us to put our money into Ad Click Xpress and tell everyone about it... blah blah blah... 
Inside the email you can find the link with their story:

The Story of Profit Clicking - a Must-Read for all Profit Clicking Members

First of all, you do not need to read or understand this document - you simply need to take advantage of your current situation and participate in Ad Click Xpress and use any funds from Profit Clicking provided to you over the next few weeks to strengthen your advertising success and commission earnings in Ad Click Xpress - the sky is the limit in Ad Click Xpress.

In any case, the following should outline in sufficient detail for most members what happened to Profit Clicking (PC) and why Ad Click Xpress (ACX) Owners decided to purchase it.

Here's the Story

The original, extremely successful and popular advertising and business opportunity called JustBeenPaid (JBP) started appealing to the masses in January 2010 and reached its peak in about August 2012. About this time, Frederick Mann decided to implement a much needed renovation - JustBeenPaid was to become the new Profit Clicking, with multiple income streams and more opportunities for everyone.

This plan could have worked magnificently, if not for some major factors that were beyond the control of the company, plus some major blunders that were admittedly, but unintentionally induced by the management of the company - and some of them are outlined below.

The Migration from JBP to PC when the site was not ready

JustBeenPaid analyzed its current situation and decided that out of an abundance of caution, it would be better to operate under Profit Clicking's business model; however, this huge task was to be completed much earlier than was originally expected.

The unexpected early migration began in July of 2012 into the new site, Profit Clicking. The site template was far from ready, as all programming needed to be put in place, which was not an easy task for a website with millions of members and millions of lines of code to rewrite, all while the program was still in full operation. The anticipated completion of becoming fully functional was projected to be only one to two months. When such a huge change in a business occurs, it is common procedure for larger businesses (like Profit Clicking) to examine and pass over numerous documents and legalities. Unfortunately, the time involved will always be multiplied when there are technical changes and improvements needed. In any case, the prediction of being back to 100% operation in a couple of months proved to be a huge understatement.

Management was not experienced with the indefinitely sustainable system

Part of this plan included new management, who were to bring about all the changes needed for this complete overhaul and coordinate all aspects of the Profit Clicking system.

As most people probably do not realize, the JustBeenPaid program had an extremely complex formula that made it so successful - only Frederick and a few people on the planet know what this mathematical configuration is and how it works.

The Profit Clicking management, while always having the best intentions, sincerely believed that they understood how to make the gears mesh as they should. Understanding the system would have fulfilled the plan to transform the JustBeenPaid's well-oiled machine into Profit Clicking. Unfortunately, the inexperienced management did not fully comprehend the system and some significant mistakes were made; in fact, some mistakes were overlooked for weeks or even months before they were realized.

The ProfitShift was not performed in a timely manner

The very most important component of the JustBeenPaid program was the Restart Feature, called the ProfitShift in Profit Clicking. This mechanism was put into place by Frederick Mann to make its aggressive compensation plan "indefinitely sustainable". This Restart Feature was proven to be extremely powerful and separated JustBeenPaid from all high yield business opportunities - they basically always failed after a few months, their members losing any compensation they were expecting to collect.

However, timing is extremely critical when initiating a Restart - triggering it too soon or too late could lead to devastating financial consequences. Frederick Mann knew how to use the restart in the most effective manner; however, PC Managers could not effectively manage these variables, which ultimately caused the system to become out of balance and no longer viable.

Negative press and the steady decline in sales

The migration of JustBeenPaid to Profit Clicking in September 2012 made members doubtful. Also Zeek Rewards was closed by U.S. Authorities, causing members to panic around the world. The ProfitShift of PC in November 2012, although necessary, caused even more adverse publicity. Sales of advertising and promotion of the business opportunity decreased dramatically. This resulted in members not being able to withdraw their commissions consistently, ultimately causing a downhill spiral.

Payment processor troubles

Even before the closing of Liberty Reserve in May 2013, ProfitClicking experienced major theft from some individuals associated within this payment processor. In addition, accounts of JustBeenPaid and PC were simply blocked without apparent reason. Alone this one payment processor, Liberty Reserve caused significant hardship and significantly decreased the ability of Profit Clicking to pay member commissions, to the tune of about ten million dollars.

Failed Premium System Due to Delayed Scheduling of ProfitShift

The second system in Profit Clicking, called the "Premium Ad Package System" was introduced and predicted to assist in paying the large commission backlog of the other, still operational "Basic Ad Package System". Although initially not accepted, the Premium Ad Packages became a huge hit and did the job to begin to rescue the Basic System, and revenues were then available to pay the members

However, the timing of when and how to perform a ProfitShift was again greatly miscalculated by management - there should have been a ProfitShift for the Premium System about three weeks earlier than when it indeed occurred. The inexperienced management was focusing on new features and income streams for the membership when they should have been paying attention to this most critical part of the system.

What now?

The ultimate result of the misfortunes mentioned above was for Profit Clicking to come to an end - but how to do this without causing suffering and hardship on the membership? Many members were expecting significant rebates and commissions from the system's compensation plan, but they simply never happened.

The new owners of the company, Ad Click Xpress have graciously agreed to honor those who still consider themselves to be "out of pocket" and treat the membership with the respect due to them, but in exchange for the entire Profit Clicking system - the member database, servers, the indefinitely sustainable software of Frederick Mann, and all key staff needed to run the operation.

Now, to ensure that mistakes of this magnitude are avoided in the future, Ad Click Xpress has agreed to retain Frederick Mann as their Senior Consultant for strategizing the success of the members and the company - millions will be able to survive and thrive in the new world, as a result of following Frederick's simple-to-work programs.

Let's Go!

We are grateful that so many of our members have been willing to follow Frederick's example, and not give up on dreams that are ultimately possible. Many companies have required restructuring in the last few years and are now some of the most successful companies in the world - General Motors is probably the one most are familiar with. The point is, don't be afraid to help ACX with your new advertising purchases - you are also helping the company on the way to the future and more importantly, you are building your own future.

Building wealth and happiness,

Your ACX Leadership Team
So the only "good" thing they are telling is that ACX is telling us that they will honor our money... but no one knows what this really means. Currently the money from our basic account is only good for purchasing views in the ACX traffic exchange. Only 10% can be used to purchase Ad Packs in ACX after spending money from your processor. 
They have not mentioned anything about what is going to happen with the money from the premium accounts... 
I have no decision to make about this:
  • If premium gives me money I can use to purchase Ad Packs in ACX I'll do so.
  • If premium gives me money I can use like the one we got from basic, I won't purchase Ad Packages in ACX.
Very simple. But I'm really annoyed by the fact that I've put $290 in JBP/PC and I've only been able to withdraw about $23 so I have a negative balance of $277. 

My thought: They should honor the money of members who have a negative balance. People who have earned profit or already broke even should be happy about their situation.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Now we received a free position...

Hi there!

So this is quite funny.... First, these Profit Clicking guys told us that only new members would benefit from a free position when joining Ad Click Xpress; this was the same when we migrated our accounts from Just Been Paid to Profit Clicking. Today, I logged into my Ad Click Xpress account to find a message telling that I could activate a free position to start earning money with that. I did and I viewed my 6 ads.
Now I'm waiting for the Premium Profit Shift to be completed in Profit Clicking. I checked a few minutes ago to find that something has happened in the"My Premium Profit Shift"
Strange is that these details are for the 04/29/2013 ?!?!? I don't get it....

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A new Record?

Hi there!

I think it is funny what these Profit Clicking, now Ad Click Xpress scammers call a "Record". Alexa has ranked them at 900.000: No wonder as all of the members who have to migrate their account are counted a unique visite when they do so. How many scammed members are we? I have no idea....
Here is the last email we got from them:
Welcome to all our new members!

That's right, another big day at Ad Click
(ACX) - remember that name, because
it will be huge very soon!

Go to and see that we're already
in the top 900,000 sites visited in the world,
thanks to all who have already successfully
migrated over - that will grow very quickly
over the next few days and weeks - compare
that to the fact that every new web site starts
at about 24,000,000.

With millions of former Profit Clicking
Members in our system, we're sure to become
very well-known in a very short period of
time - so get in on the action!

As you might have heard from all the buzz on
the Internet, Ad Click Xpress is now in business
and has acquired Profit Clicking - many members
have stated they are witnessing the web site
develop minute by minute.

Help Yourself by Participating!

That's right - the earnings you were expecting
from Profit Clicking are right in ACX - did
you log in to see them yet?

Look in the sidebar on the left of your
dashboard, and see a field called "PC Basic".

Contact All Your Referrals

This is so important - many of your referrals
are no longer reading company E-mails, so
look to see which of your referrals have
migrated over to ACX by clicking on "My

The ones who are not migrated yet have
probably not gotten the news about ACX and
so they still need an E-mail from you!

Keep in mind, that when a program stops
performing as expected, like Profit Clicking
did this year, many people tend to no
longer pay attention anymore; however,
they will much more likely believe your
words of encouragement before they believe
what the company tells them.

It's FREE to migrate to ACX, and ALL expected
earnings from Profit Clicking are projected
to be assumed by ACX owners - this is really
great news! - Ohhh no... you should have charged us to migrate :P

Here's some more great news for you!

Xpress Pay

Today our super-star developers implemented
what we call "Xpress Pay" - as long as you
have viewed the required number of web sites,
by doing your job as a member to get your
daily sales commissions, and you then visit
the dashboard, you'll get a pop-up to remind
you of your earnings each day! No more
waiting until the end of the day before
getting paid, and no more waiting several
days before getting paid either!

10% More Ad Packages from Your Basic Funds

Within a few hours, you'll be able to use part
of your Profit Clicking Basic System Funds
to make purchases in ACX, just like we did
in Profit Clicking when the Premium System
was released - this is huge, because revenue
grew like crazy, and members LOVED it!

When the change has been made, simply log
in to Ad Click Xpress and click on "My
Ad Packages" to buy your advertising
packages, as many as you can afford, and
we'll let you use your PC Basic Funds for
to purchase 10% more Ad Packages!

The more ad packages you buy, the more
access you have to your PC Basic System
funds, immediately!

Premium System Transfer

In addition, the ProfitShift for the Premium
System is already being worked on - expect
those results by the end of the week - then
Ad Click Express will be zooming again! - Yeah, like PC did, right :(

And Much More to Come

We're doing everything we can to make your
ACX experience the best it can be - now its
just up to you to take full advantage of
ACX's benefits, making it possible for just
about anyone to make a living online.

So if you haven't migrated over to ACX yet,
please do so now, and then contact your
sponsor for further guidance - they also
have a huge vested interest in making ACX
as successful as possible.

Start by logging in to Ad Click Xpress at

It is important to encourage all your referrals
to also migrate over and check out the new site.
They will see that their Basic balance will
migrate over as well. This is excellent news
because of the new "10% Rule", where you can
buy 10% MORE ACX Ad Packages using the Basic
balance in combination with your new funds
in your ACX wallet.

So take full advantage of the new,

Ad Click Xpress Advertising System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In ACX, you can earn up to 20 cents per day
during the week for every advertising
package you buy.

And you can earn up to 10 cents per day on
the weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
for every advertising package you buy.

You can receive daily earnings on each of
your ad packages purchased, until they reach
a maximum of $15 - that's up to 20 cents
per day per ad package, and you are allowed
to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!
..... Same shit as every few days
So still two days to go till we know what is going on with the Premium thing...

Scam, scam, and scam... this is all I can say about this program. I would be fine if they would pay, or at least let me use the money I've spend in PC, or in my case in JBP, and use it here. in total I spend $290: $240 in former Just Been Paid and $50 in Profit Clicking Premium. I managed to withdraw $22 from premium account a few month back. I had no chance to withdraw a single Dollar from my Profit Clicking basic account. This leaves me with a negative balance of $268. Why don't you guys add these funds to my Ad Click Xpress account? Even if I'm not be able to withdraw that money but at least I could start working with it and eventually make a profit... would be happy with that! 
You have taken my money and the money of many other members around the world. You are nothing but scammers going for another go and scam more people >:(
And why the hell are you still showing "Latest Successful Withdrawals" and "Latest Commissions Paid"????
No one is withdrawing or earning anything from Profit Clicking!?!?!?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

They did it again!

Hi there!

Just as one of our fellow struggler member in Profit Clicking wrote just a few hours ago in a comment of my last post: They did it again! They've given us the chance to use a percentage of our "old" money to purchase new ad packages in Ad Click Xpress. We can use up to 10%. If they do it like they did in the premium system of Profit Clicking, we will be able to use 10% of our old mo ey for every new purchase we do. In PC it was 20% so with $8 out of pocket you could use $2 from basic to purchase a premium position. Here, with a 10%, you probably need $9 out of pocket and use inly $1 from basic to purchase your ACX position...
Here is the email I just got:
Welcome to all our new members!

That's right, Ad Click Xpress is on its way
to becoming the biggest, most successful
advertising and home business web site the
Internet has ever seen, just like it's big
brothers and sisters, Click Paid and Profit
Clicking, and like it's big daddy,
JustBeenPaid, the best program the Internet
has ever seen! Ad Click Xpress is the fourth
money-making program of its kind to use the
indefinitely sustainable financial model of
the original program, JustBeenPaid - and many,
many lives have been changed for the better!

Today ACX topped the revenue of what Profit
Clicking has been doing for weeks, and we
expect it to proceed to much higher heights
over the next days and weeks - keep in mind
that even the Premium System of Profit
Clicking made very significant progress in
a very short period of time in Profit Clicking,
and we are planning on doing some of the same
things to stimulate the growth of ACX starting
during the next few hours - read more below.

As of today, you can now see which of your
referrals have migrated over to ACX - just
log in to ACX

and click on "My Referrals" to see which
ones have gotten the news about ACX and
which ones might need an E-mail from you,
as many members tend to believe your
input before they believe what the company
tells them - it's FREE to migrate to ACX,
and ALL expected earnings from Profit
Clicking are projected to be assumed by
ACX owners - this is really great news!

Here's some great news for you!

Within a few hours, you'll be able to use part
of your Profit Clicking Basic System Funds
to make purchases in ACX, just like we did
in Profit Clicking when the Premium System
was released - this is huge, because revenue
grew like crazy, and members LOVED it!

When the change has been made, simply log
in to Ad Click Xpress and click on "My
Ad Packages" to buy your advertising
packages, as many as you can afford, and
we'll let you use your PC Basic Funds for
up to 10% of your purchase!

In addition, the ProfitShift for the Premium
System is already being worked on - expect
those results by the end of the week - then
Ad Click Express will be zooming again!

We're doing everything we can to make your
ACX experience the best it can be - now its
just up to you to take full advantage of
ACX's benefits, making it possible for just
about anyone to make a living online.

So if you haven't migrated over to ACX yet,
please do so now, and then contact your
sponsor for further guidance - they also
have a huge vested interest in making ACX
as successful as possible.

Start by logging in to Ad Click Xpress at

Also, if you have seen E-mails from some members
saying they know special or advanced information
about ACX, it's not a scam letter - we have a
new group of members called the VIP Group. If
you want to be a member of that group, simply
ask yourself what you can do to become successful
with Ad Click Xpress and make a plan for that to
happen! Hint: these member have the highest level
of participation in the previous programs,
whether it be through funding or promoting.

It is important to encourage all your referrals
to also migrate over and check out the new site.
They will see that their Basic balance will
migrate over as well. This is excellent news
because of the new "10% Rule", where you can
buy 10% MORE ACX Ad Packages using the Basic
balance in combination with your new funds
in your ACX wallet.

So take full advantage of the new,

Ad Click Xpress Advertising System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In ACX, you can earn up to 20 cents per day
during the week for every advertising
package you buy.

And you can earn up to 10 cents per day on
the weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
for every advertising package you buy.

You can receive daily earnings on each of
your ad packages purchased, until they reach
a maximum of $15 - that's up to 20 cents
per day per ad package, and you are allowed
to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back
$10 $15
$100 $150
$1,000 $1,500
$10,000 $15,000
$100,000 $150,000

It's up to you, how much you earn,
and this method of earning is
totally easy - simply view other
member web sites, only a few per day!

Get started today, by logging in at

Just accept the new ACX terms and
conditions and get started today!

Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per first level
referral and up to $2,500 a Day per second
level referral, just by promoting your web
sites to others, and we teach you how
to do it!

That's without even buying any ad packages!

Yes, you have to do something that you
might never have done before, by telling
other people about this business
opportunity, but it's quite easy once
you see how we teach it. This system sells
itself so people will sign up under you
very easily.

Start learning how to promote online,
today - it's a great way to secure your
financial future!

And get ready for all the enhancements
to the user experience at Ad Click Xpress:

Okay, we're ready to serve you!

Very Important Information Follows

The Ad Click Xpress Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Ad Click Xpress accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Ad Click Xpress
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Ad Click Xpress Ad Package and
start earning!

It's very easy to make money with
Ad Click Xpress!

Working for Your Wealth and Success,

Your Ad Click Xpress Success Team

P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Ad Click Xpress.

P.P.S. Ad Click Xpress is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
Will you do it again?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It has happened!!

Ok People!

Saw this email from Profit Clicking in my inbox this morning... Just what we where talking about yesterday... and now it has happened: Profit Clicking is migrating to Ad Click Xpress! Here is the email:
Welcome to all our new members!

There's a lot in this update, so feel free
to read it more than once...

Ad Click Xpress

Here's the new name for the most successful
business opportunity and advertising site
the Internet is likely to ever see!

And we have a lot of history to prove it!

Get ready for the great experience!

Yes, here's what Frederick Mann has
provided for us - a great solution for
everyone who was in Profit Clicking!


Ad Click Xpress (ACX)

is now one of the most viewed sites on the web!

A few weeks ago Frederick Mann contacted the
owners of ACX and offered their company an
incredible opportunity to absorb the business
of a number one company and make it better.

Many in the business world already regard
Frederick as an ICON in the Traffic Exchange
world, being held in high esteem for making
himself, and helping many others to become
"Internet Millionaires", many of them
starting with very limited financial
abilities. Frederick's stated goal has
always been to help the people who couldn't
be successful in Internet-based business
without a clear, easy-to-follow system.

Frederick made an astounding arrangement
for the owners of ACX to take over Profit
, which eventually led to this
exciting announcement.

Profit Clicking had experienced such rapid
growth that management had not been able
to build the corporate infrastructure
quickly or solidly enough to make the PC
program viable. Since PC's mechanism was
originally based on an "Indefinitely
Sustainable", patented system, they went
to the creator for guidance. Frederick
took time to evaluate the company and
ultimately advised Profit Clicking that
its members would be best served by being
acquired by ACX. The PC owners agreed with
the concept; with the understanding that
ACX as the new owner would honor PC's
obligations to members.

ACX is the organization that will take on
this huge. The ACX group is financially
stable, and the management team is very
experienced, and is operating ACX using
the "Indefinitely Sustainable" model!
ACX agreed to the proposal from PC,
insisting that Frederick stay on as a
consultant throughout the transition
and the restructuring of some of the
obligations of PC to the members.

ACX would like to officially give a great
big "WELCOME" to all PC members. Welcome
aboard! We are excited to have you on
board AD CLICK XPRESS and await your
participation and new ideas. Management
has created an array of new programs to
explore and familiarize you with the
new surroundings. We want you to feel
at home right away.

Here are more details:

For the future, Profit Clicking will
only be used as a reference web site;
for example, it will no longer accept
funding payments for its advertising
system, pay daily sales commissions,
or allow ad packages or gift cards to
be purchased - Profit Clicking will
eventually be discontinued completely.

All advertising you are doing for Profit
Clicking will be automatically redirected
to your new ACX Affiliate Web Site, located
in your new member area under "Make Money

When you log into Profit Clicking, you
will be provided with the opportunity to
migrate to the new system, Ad Click Xpress

You do not have to migrate to ACX; however,
if you do not, you will NOT be able to take
advantage of the opportunity to recover
any expected earnings from Profit Clicking
that you did not receive thus far - keep in
mind, the Profit Clicking web site will
completely close soon.

Profit Clicking Basic System Balances will
be transferred immediately to the ACX member
area for your review, and you will be able
to access the Profit Clicking Member Area
also, so feel free to compare your balances
in each and make sure no details were lost
during the migration.

Note that all Basic System Balances in
Profit Clicking have been credited back to
the wallets - that decision was made to
help members understand the migration

The Profit Clicking Premium System will
be migrated to ACX also, within the next
few days, but only after a ProfitShift
has taken place - read about ProfitShifts
in the PC Member Area.

If you bought pure advertising in Profit
Clicking, all your Traffic Exchange credits
have been transferred to the new ACX
Traffic Exchange; however, those of
affiliates (IBOSs) were not, so advertisers
should be happy about how fast you'll be
getting quality visitors to your web site
you're advertising in our new ACX Traffic

Here are some of the things that are
coming next at ACX:

- Help in multiple languages
- More banners and affiliate web sites
- Gift card system
- Live training system
- New, advanced advertising system

So take full advantage of the new,

Ad Click Xpress Advertising System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In ACX, you earn up to 20 cents per day
during the week, for every advertising
package you buy.

And you earn up to 10 cents per day on
the weekends (Saturday and Sunday),
for every advertising package you buy.

Up to two percent (2%) daily earnings on
ad packages purchased, until they reach
a maximum of $15 - that's up to 20 cents
per day per ad package, and you are
allowed to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back
$10      $15
$100     $150
$1,000   $1,500
$10,000  $15,000
$100,000 $150,000

It's up to you, how much you earn,
and this method of earning is
totally easy - simply view other
member web sites, only a few per day!

Get started today, by logging in at

Just accept the new ACX terms and
conditions and get started today!

Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral
and up to $2,500 a Day per second level
referral, just by promoting your web
sites to others, and we teach you how
to do it!

That's without buying any ad packages!

Yes, you have to do something that you
might never have done before, by telling
other people about this business
opportunity, but it's quite easy once
you see how we teach it.

Start learning how to promote online,
today - it's a great way to secure your
financial future!

And get ready for all the enhancements
to the user experience at Ad Click Xpress:

Okay, we're ready to serve you!

Very Important Information Follows

The Ad Click Xpress Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Ad Click Xpress accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Ad Click Xpress
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Ad Click Xpress Ad Package and
start earning!

It's very easy to make money with
Ad Click Xpress:

Working for our wealth and success,

Your Ad Click Xpress Success Team

P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Ad Click Xpress.

P.P.S. Ad Click Xpress is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
So now when you go ahead and log into your Profit Clicking account this is what you'll see:

The next thing you need to do is click on "Migrate Now" and ....
It will tell you that your account has successfully been migrated to ad Click Xpress... Click on "Login Now" and you will be forwarded to the Ad Click Xpress login page. 
Quite strange I did not receive and email about my account at Ad Click Xpress... Anyway, the login details are the same you use in Profit Clicking.

Notes about the migration:
Basic account has been migrated to Ad Click Xpress with all the funds you had in your wallet, as well as all referrals. 
Unfortunately you can see from this pic that the money transferred from PC is not in the "Wallet"... I tried to purchase ad packages in Ad Click Xpress and I do not have enough funds: Fresh Money out of Your Pocket is being Requested!
Premium will be migrated after the premium restart has taken place... 
You are still able to log into your Profit Clicking account but you cannot buy any packages (don't know who is going to do so??) nor request withdrawals (Nooo!! Really!!)...

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hi there!

We have not heard any news from Profit Clicking for some time now. Yesterday and today my premium earnings have not been added to my account and I've not been able to withdraw any money from it for months. Basic is under maintenance for weeks with no way to purchase nor withdraw.
But today something interesting happened:
An online contact send me an email through FaceBook regarding changes that are going to happen in/with Profit Clicking. He asked me not to share it as it was supposed to be some king of confidential... but I found the same email posted in a forum and a reader posted in a comment in my last post so ... what the hell... Here it goes again ;) :

WOW!! Time certainly has flown since our
last update, and Profit Clicking is now in the
state of transition we previously announced.
This paradigm shift will produce positive
outcomes like spectacular upgrades in benefits
and services to the entire membership. We
know that you, and your referrals, are anxious
for the inside information and updates, and
how it will affect your Profit Clicking business,
that only our VIPs receive before the general

Rest assured, your VIP status is honored here
with the first of many VIP updates:

As advised by Fredrick Mann, Profit Clicking (PC)
was to be acquired by a new entity, with new
management. The acquisition of Profit Clicking
by the group, AD CLICK XPRESS has taken place,
meaning big changes in the works.

The new company, AD CLICK XPRESS (ACX), has
retained Fredrick Mann as a Corporate Consultant,
to assure members the transition will be as smooth
as possible. ACX has agreed, per Frederick's direction,
to honor the Profit Clicking member accounts, and
all accounts will be transitioned, with their wallets,
to the new company system. ACX will use the FM
"indefinitely sustainable" patented system.

The "basic" system wallet balance, "ad pack" balance
and "panel" balance situation has been reversed, and
the new system will reflect all correct balances.

The Premium Program will be integrated into ACX
shortly after it launches - stay tuned for more
information about that.

ACX is providing a far superior system to the PC
system. We've gone to great lengths to make ACX
as compliant as possible in as many jurisdictions
as possible.

We are aware of the anticipation for new information
that you, and your referrals, have. We can also
answer your number #1 question right now:

"When withdrawals will resume?"

ACX assures us the withdrawal/deposit portals
will be open almost immediately. There are some
IT issues involved in getting the processors
connected to the new system and the IT team is
working around the clock to get those issues
resolved in a timely manner.

Your benefits as a VIP will be outlined in detail in
the next week. Until then, let's look forward to
our future growth together.

Finally, expect to be redirected to the new site
within the next 24-48 hours.


So what is this all about? And why haven't I received this email? What is a VIP member in Profit Clicking?
So we are going to experience with Profit Clicking now the same situation we experienced almost a year ago with Just Been Paid? And who are those Ad Click Xpress?... I googled them and found nothing. I wrote in my browser and a blank site came up so they are working on it...
Wonder when we are going to get any info about this...

Friday, June 14, 2013

What is going on?


I'm really wondering what is going on with Profit Clicking
All of my active ad packages where expired but 8, making my daily earnings go from over $170/$85 per day to $1.60/$0.80 per day. Then they took all the money in my wallet and today I noticed that they have put it back... WTF!
What are those people doing??
Here is a pic of the "Financial Details":
And here is a pic of my account stats:
Waiting for a new update....

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Four hours waiting

Hi friends!

Today I've been waiting for four hours for the Profit Clicking green light and nothing. I was surfing and doing some stuff online while waiting. Then I needed to go to the WC and guess what: When I came back the green light times showed that less than two minutes ago withdrawals were open for STP >:( 

So I'm done for now and I'll try to check back this evening and try to wait for the green light again...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cancelled my pending withdrawal!


Just to let you know that I cancelled my pending withdrawal I had in Profit Clicking since May the 4th and purchased more ad packs with that money
Simply because I think that it is silly to have "my money" sitting there without doing anything. So I purchased two new ad packs. I will try to withdraw again later... maybe I'm lucky and hit the bucket ... *Dreaming* lol

Now it is already over a week since the last Profit Clicking update and we have still no new info about what is going on. I really don't know what "a few days" means for those people...