Thursday, May 30, 2013

My basic wallet money gone!

Hi there friends!

As we were all expecting, big changes in Profit Clicking have now affected my basic wallet. First they expired all my ad packages but 8, cancelled all my pending withdrawals and now they took my $2.2K I had in my basic wallet and left $22,82 :0
So they basically could have killed our accounts completely and ask us to start all over again. I wonder how they are going to pay for ll those PC Panels... if they place them as they should....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Update for May the 29th.

Hi friends!

I just read this new update from Profit Clicking:
Total ProfitShift Account Balance Adjustment

As some of you may have already noticed, basic account balances are being adjusted in order to sustain the financial health of Profit Clicking, including its ability to pay withdrawals on time and other key factors.

This is all in keeping with the plan Frederick Mann has directed management to implement as soon as possible, and is expected to last a few more days.

Please expect more adjustments over the next few days.

Thank you for your patience.

Here's To Your Success!  
Profit Clicking Support Team

Another awesome update with zero info only asking us to be patient :(
The only adjustments I've seen so far is the expiring of almost all of my active ad packages and the cancelling of all of my pending withdrawals.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New email from Profit Clicking today!

Hi there friends!

Have you read the new email Profit Clicking just send out? Here it goes:
Welcome to all our new members!

Yes, there are very exciting things
happening on the Internet, especially
in the HYIP and Gaming industry, and
Profit Clicking is surely affected
by some of them.

1) Liberty Reserve probably takes
the top spot when it comes to world
publicity, as it handled most of the
industry’s needs - we do NOT expect
Liberty Reserve to come back - see

Actually their fall might be a good
thing for members, as we have lost
about ten million dollars of member
money to them in the past year or so.

2) Also Payza has also decided to no
longer support Profit Clicking, which
also accounted for a significant portion
of our daily revenue - note that you
can use EgoPay to get around this
obstacle, but it will cost you some
fees to exchange your funds.

3) Finally, our Total ProfitShift
for the Basic System is almost
complete, as some of you might have
noticed - more about that as soon
as we know more.

History is being made and the wheels
are turning behind the scenes as
Frederick finalizes the plan for
Profit Clicking - please be patient. ---> We have been for months!

In the meantime, take full advantage of
the full-operational Premium System! ---> Yeah, right.... :P
Bla bla bla...
So once again an email that does not explain anything about what is going on at Profit Clicking :( 
As some of you already knew, Payza is going to be discontinued. Many opportunities out there are not accepting Payza anymore. 
Liberty Reserve has gone and this is a big problem due to many of the business seekers out there have been using this payment processor. Loads of money have been lost by it's members and many will have to start from scratch with another processor. Not to mention all the money lost by the business owners!
Best of luck to all!!
Fingers Crossed!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Basic wallet not availabe in premium anymore

Hi there fellow Profit Clicking strugglers ;)

This morning I logged into my Profit Clicking account to purchase my daily premium ad pack. The difference today with all the other days before is that the option to use money from your basic wallet when purchasing the new premium ad packages is gone! Could this have something to do with the shutting down from Liberty Reserve? Of course this is just speculation ;)
I know there is a lot of people out there who used LR and most of the passive online businesses and hyips had LR as a payment option. This means a lot of money lost after the processor closed down. Not only for people using it to pay ito  businesses but also for the business owners themselves! I'm sure this will be a big problem :(

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Basic Account Withdrawals Cancelled


I logged into my account to check if there have been any other changes and ques what: 
All of my pending withdrawals I had in my basic account have been cancelled and all the money returned into my wallet. Another move without any info from Profit Clicking. I hope we get any info soon about what is going on here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Changes in my PC Basic account

Hi freinds!

So I just wanted to start writing about the last email we got from Profit Clicking telling that it was about 48 hours till the site would be up and running again. But, I just logged into my account to find out that all of my active ad packs have been expired! All of them but 8. And my daily income went from $170/$85 per day to $1.60/$0.80 per day!! Plus I received $61 into my Ad Pack wallet. 

I'm still wondering because the almost $2K in my basic wallet are still there. Anyway we can assume that they have not finished whatever they are doing as we have not received any email to keep us informed.
As I was thinking a few days back, this is nothing but a mega huge profit shift. The questions are:
  • Is this going to help?
  • Are we going to get all those PC Panels?
We'll see...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Profit Clicking Basic account Restart in sight?


I just got his email from Profit Clicking and they say that in about 48 hours the basic account will be working again and withdrawals processed in up 48 hours. Here is a part of the email:
Welcome to all our new members!

That's right, the process Frederick
has planned for the Basic System, in
order to revive it from it.s non-paying
status is already half completed!

In just another 48 hours or so, the Basic
System in Profit Clicking will be running
like new, paying all withdrawal requests
within 24-48 hours again!

Note that when Frederick is done, most
members will not have the same amount of
money available in their Basic Accounts,
but at least the money seen in your
account will be readily available to spend
or withdraw, just as to be expected - read
about the Profit Shift for more information
about what we are planning:

Also please get proficient in earning
money in the PC Panel System - that.s
where a considerable amount of your
Basic System Assets will be located
after Frederick.s plan has been

Keep in mind that before Frederick
offered to help us, the Basic System
was not paying hardly at all - a huge
disappointment for everyone.

With Frederick.s help, we.ll soon be
able to make money quickly, and
recommend Profit Clicking to others
with a good conscience again!

Here is what some people are saying:

-Do not underestimate the name and
power of Frederick Mann. Yes, he will
come to the rescue. He has the means!.

-Yep but I also remember JBP with
Frederick Mann. FM means business and
no time to waste. So let's be hopeful..

-Frederick is back! Things are looking
up people! Get ready for the next round
and things back to normal..

And now we only have a few more days
to wait for his solution!

We're very excited also!

Thank you everyone, for your patience!

As Frederick said in his first meeting
with top executives of Profit Clicking,

-The basic compensation of Profit
Clicking is indeed indefinitely sustainable
as originally designed; however, if not
properly managed, the financial system
can get into trouble quickly, and all
deals are off..

Thank you very much, Frederick, because
we KNOW you ran your former JustBeenPaid
program very successfully - looking
forward to what you can recommend for
Profit Clicking!....
Ok, so from what I can understand there will be a propably huge restart, or Profit Shift. Also note that when they "re open" the system most members will not have the same amount of money available in the basic account. I wonder what will be left from my almost $2K sitting there.... We'll see.
I'm also wondering what is going to happen to all the PC Panels that have not yet been placed; I have over 500 expired ad packs and only 7 PC Panels placed! Not to mention the ones that should have been placed due to the last restarts...
Eyes open! 8)

Green Light system in Premium?

Hey there!

I just logged into my Profit Clicking account to purchase ky daily premium ad packs and noticed a "Green Light" button on top of my dashboard. Clicked on it and a "Coming Soon" site opened. Well... what can I say. This was obvious as we all have noticed the premium account is having problems for over a month.... I have a pending withdrawal for over two weeks now and I wonder if I will get it in those 20 days timeframe I was told.

Also it is ridiculus that our views in the basic account are being spend if we are not earning anything... why is that? They use to take our views when our account was credited with the money we earn depending on the active positions, but now it has been weeks that no money is credited and even though our views are used....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Frederik Man is going to help us... lol

Hi there!

I jusr read this funny email I got from Profit Clicking...:
Welcome to all our new members!

That's right, the original, so-called
"Basic System" of Profit Clicking
is in trouble... Really!!! I think no one of us has noticed that :0
, and Frederick Mann has
declared himself available to help us!

In a few days, we'll know much more,
but the one most important thing for
Profit Clicking is to have the competency
in place to run the system properly.

As Frederick said in his first meeting
with top executives of Profit Clicking,

"The basic compensation of Profit
Clicking is indeed indefinitely sustainable
as originally designed; however, if not
properly managed, the financial system
can get into trouble quickly, and all
deals are off."

Thank you very much, Frederick, because
we KNOW you ran your former JustBeenPaid
program very successfully - we're looking
forward to what you can recommend for
Profit Clicking!

So here is what we're doing next:

1) Effective immediately, all the
functionality of the so-called "Basic System"
will be blocked, allowing for extensive system
maintenance and possibly improvements to
be carried out - this includes

- buying of basic ad packages
- buying of basic panels
- buying of gift cards
- buying of accelerators
- upgrading of accounts
- withdrawing funds

Everyone will still be able to use
a portion of their basic funds to
buy Premium Ad Packages, up to 20%
per purchase - the Premium System
will NOT be affected by this much
needed system maintenance.

2) In a few days, the Basic System
will be operating again, and as far
as we are told, the Basic System will
be 100% functional again, including

- withdrawals within 24-48 hours
- increased withdrawal limits
- immediate availability to funds

Simply full functionality of all previous
components of the Basic System!

In the meantime, take full advantage of
the full-operational Premium System! Yeah... right :P
Ok... so now Freddy is going to help us out of this mess? We'll see what is going to happen ;)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Profit Clicking Basic account dead?

Hi there friends!

I don't know when this happened but today a reader posted a comment about this and I just checked my account to find out that the very same thing happened to me and also to my referral:
All our active ad packages have been expired without any reason and with no notification from Profit Clicking >:(
I don't know what those people are doing but I think we should at least received an email explaining what is going on and why all of our active ad packs are now dead.
Thank you Profit Clicking for another nice move!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Upgrading the Ad Package area

Hi there!

Today I tried to purchase new basic and premium ad packages in my Profit Clicking back office but the purchase section was under maintenance.
Even though Profit Clicking is not paying I'm still purchasing new Ad Packages every day, or almost, in both basic and premium accounts.
My friend, and referral, also does the same but only for the basic account, as he didn't go for the premium. He emailed me a few days back that it has been quite a while that he has not received any daily commissions for his active ad packages. I asked him to send me a pic of his back office:
You can see he got his last combined payment  from the 13th to the 19th on April the 22nd. It is already 23 days ago!!
I checked my account and I received my last payment in my basic account May the 1st, as a combined payment for the 20th to the 28th of April. This is already 14 days ago....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Having some ethics


Just wanted to let all the people reading this blog and posting comments know, that this is not the place to post ads about selling gift cards or Profit Clicking accounts. I don't think it is correct to try to get money for something you don't know if it is ever paying you back. If you are thinking about selling anything related to your Profit Clicking account please try to do so in a forum.

All the Best,

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Profit clicking reduces referral commissions???

Hi friends!

I've noticed lately that my Profit Clicking referral commissions have been reduced to half of whet they used to be. As an example:
If one of my level one referrals bough 2 ad packages I received $2 as a referral commission. If a level 2 referral bought 2 ad packs as well, I received $1.
But since a few days ago I've been receiving only half of that commission; means that my referral buying two ad packs only earns me $1 and a level two referral buying also two ad packs only earns me $0,50. I have not read anu update about this and I really don't know when it started to happen; I juet noticed this a few days back.
Is this also happning to you?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

My second Premium Withdrawal

Hey friends!

I just submitted my second Profit Clicking Premium withdrawal. As some people have told me, I received a message telling that the daily limit has been reached. So I proceeded and added my withdrawal to the queue so now I'll have to wait and see how long it will take to get this payment processed.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Ad Packs are back!!

I'm really confused about what is going on with the Profit Clicking Premium. Yesterday, after the Profit Shift, they took 2 more of my active ad packs and expired them and today they are back, active in my back office:
So with 19 ad packs I had and the one I just bought I have 20 active positions earning me $6 per day. So I'll be saving my earnings till I reach the min payout and request a new payout: this will take four days. Let's see what happens ;)