Monday, January 28, 2013

About the new Withdrawal system

Just received another email from Profit Clicking telling nothing about the withdrawal problem and how it will be solved. They just set a $100 per day limit as if this would make any difference to the actual situation.
Here is the email in case you missed it:
Welcome to all our new members!

As many of your have noticed,
the new withdrawal limit has
already been reduced to a maximum
of $100 per day per payment
processor. This will emable more
members to submit daily withdrawal

This was done recently after its
announcement on Doc's Thursday
night call and is our newest
attempt to get withdrawals in
the hands of our members more
reliably - hope everyone likes
the new change!

In addition, all withdrawal
requests in the queue were returned
to member accounts today - all
withdrawal requests in the queue,
and including the withdrawal fee
we normally charge.

So spend your money on what you
want now - either on new advertising
packages and make more money faster,
or simply request a new withdrawal.
Maybe this time you'll catch the

Withdrawal Bucket Help

There are groups of members out on
the Internet who have specialized on
assisting members in getting bucket
withdrawals - they are certainly
available, but we cannot recommend
a specific service at this time.

These services will notify you as
soon as they see that a bucket is
open for withdrawals - you just
have to log in and request one as
quickly as possible after you have
been notified.

Please avoid using any services
that ask for your Member ID, password
or payment processor details.

In the near future, we might just
provide members with more assistance
in this area. In addition, the length
of time a bucket stays open should
also increase.

PC Panels are filling!

Many members are happily reporting
that they are seeing multiple $60
Rebates in their PC Panel Money
Monitor. By accelerating their
panels, these smart members have sped
up the filling process and collected
their rebates MUCH FASTER than those
who did not!

How do you "accelerate your panels"?
Simply click on levels 1 and 2 in your
panels, then click on one of the 3
available accelerators. Keep in mind
that the Nitro accelerators are the
fastest panel fillers available.
They state that PC Panels are filling; really??
I still have some dozens of panels that haven't been placed from the previous Restarts and/or Profit Shifts!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Apologies from Profit Clicking

I received an email from Profit Clicking today where they are apologizing for the bad withdrawal system they had in place... and they changed it... finally...
How long has it taken for them to realize that the system isn't working?? 
Now they have limited the daily withdrawal to $100 per day ... hmmm... 
They've also send back my withdrawal request and the money is back in my wallet... but wait, not all of it. My withdrawal request was of $50 and they send back 48 into my wallet :( Well... anyway I'm going to request a new withdrawal right now and let's see what happens ;) 
Here is the email I received:
Hello Juan,

We are reaching out to you with a sincere apology and resolution for your experience using our withdrawal system.

The challenges you’ve experienced and are being used to strengthen your future. We thank you for your patience in weathering the storm and applaud your decision to continue with us. Your future is VERY bright with Profit Clicking.

Several of our top earners met with our Executive team and developed a workable solution for the current withdrawal issue. Your withdrawal requests are on their way!

To begin implementing this strategy, we reset the Withdrawal Queue, and freed up your money by returning it to your Wallet.  These available funds can continue building your financial future by utilizing Ad Packs, Panels or soon to be released Gift Card. New withdrawal requests will process up to $100/ day per Payment Processor. The previously implemented Bucket System has also been modified to improve your member experience.

With the implementation of this strategy, withdrawal requests will be processed more efficiently.  The net effect is your dollars will either be working for you or be in your pocket, but they won’t be sitting in a queue for an extended period of time!

Your withdrawal request of $48.00 has been returned to your Wallet.

So I just send my withdrawal request of $100. As always it has reached the daily limit so my request has been added to the queue...Here is the confirmation email I received:
Greetings !

Your request to withdraw $100.00 has been received.
You will receive another e-mail once your withdrawal has been sent to your account.

Your Member ID: 595331
Payment Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Amount we will send: $96.00

Remember to tell everyone you know about Profit Clicking!!! -(I will once you start paying!!)-

Best Regards,
Member Support
Profit Clicking

Sunday, January 13, 2013

This has to be a joke!

What a surprise today when I opened my email account to find this email from Profit Clicking with the Title:

Support Your Program!


 Here is the email, or part of it, for you to read it in case you've missed it:
Welcome to ALL our new members!

Support Your Program, Profit Clicking

Just a quick reminder to everyone, that
every Profit Clicking member should be
actively supporting this history-making
program, whatever way you feel you can.
Examples are:

1) Post positive comments in forums that
talk about the well-being of Profit

2) Speak positively about Profit Clicking
when you talk to other Profit Clicking
members, your referrals and sponsors.

3) Learn all about how Profit Clicking
works by attending our live training,
studying our web site and reviewing the

4) Promote your affiliate web site, any
way you can - you will even make some
great money doing it!

It's your program, so support it with all
your passion and efforts!

PC Panels Make You Big Money

PC Panels are a mystery to some, and a
huge money maker for our more experienced
members. Did you know that's how it all
started way back when?

Do you know how to maximize your profits
with the PC Panel Program?

PC Panels are filling daily, and members
are making a $60 Rebate each time just one
PC Panel completes.

Our training gives you the priceless
knowledge you need to succeed. This is
listed in the Training Center and Events
on the left side of the Dashboard along
with other very useful information.

Panel Training for Beginners - 1 hour of
Training is held every Thursday & Sunday.
3:00 P.M. EST (8:00 P.M. GMT)

Join us for a fun and informative hour on
how to kick up your income with the the
PC Panel Program. This is a basic
introduction for new members of the system
and for members that would like to take
their income to the next level.

Roughly 150 members are taking the
training each time it's on. They have a
step up on those who do not attend. It's
free, so why not go?

Do you know what an Accelerator is?

The PC Panel Program is functional and PC
Panels are completing every day. Each time
a PC Panel completes, it pays out a $60
Rebate. You can speed up a panel by
purchasing an Accelerator of your choice:
Ignite costs $5.00, Turbo costs $7.50,
and Nitro costs $10.00. It's an option
for members who are proactive.

Solid Trust Pay Developments:

Due to some recent updates on STP's web
site, any fundings done through STP this
week were not automatically posting to
our members' balances and had to be
manually processed by our staff.

We are working diligently to determine why
their payment notifications aren't posting
to members' accounts properly. In the
meantime, we do have staff watching for
new fundings all day long and posting them
within 12-24 hours once we receive the

Please do not be alarmed if your STP
funding does not show up immediately.
Rest assured, it will still post to your
account within 1 day.

Withdrawal Definitions

Bucket: Each day we take everyone who
requested a withdrawal into the bucket,
then "empty" the bucket and pay them all
at once and completely. Then the bucket
slowly fills back up as people make new
withdrawals... Like any bucket, once it's
filled you can't fill it anymore, and no
further withdrawal requests are allowed
until it's emptied again.

Queue: Just like the british term for
"standing in line", you request a
withdrawal and wait in line until your
number is called, then it's "your turn"
to get paid. People are doing it!
Hellooooo!! How should I tell people to join Profit Clicking if they are not paying me?
How should I post positive posts in forums if they are not paying me?
I've read about people who requested a payout in October and are still waiting for their money (in January!!!).
I really think this must be a joke; how can they expect us to tell anything positive about PC?

Monday, January 7, 2013

More Scammers trying to get our money :(

Today I received a fake Profit Clicking email just like the ones I got so many times when in Just Been Paid. Here it is without the fake link, of course ;)

ProfitClicking gives random cash prizes.

Today, we selected your account as the one of 5 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us.

YOU WON $250 LR !

Claim your prize following the direct link:


Pay a 0.50$ fees, so we will know that your LR account is still alive.

After the payment you will recive instantly the 250 usd in your LR account.

Best Regards,

ProfitClicking Admin
Please guys, do not click that link: this is a fake email from scammers. They are sending this email to members an non members of Profit Clicking to get access to your Liberty Reserve account and get all the money you have there. Be very careful and delete this kind of emails right away!!