Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It has happened!!

Ok People!

Saw this email from Profit Clicking in my inbox this morning... Just what we where talking about yesterday... and now it has happened: Profit Clicking is migrating to Ad Click Xpress! Here is the email:
Welcome to all our new members!

There's a lot in this update, so feel free
to read it more than once...

Ad Click Xpress

Here's the new name for the most successful
business opportunity and advertising site
the Internet is likely to ever see!

And we have a lot of history to prove it!

Get ready for the great experience!

Yes, here's what Frederick Mann has
provided for us - a great solution for
everyone who was in Profit Clicking!


Ad Click Xpress (ACX)

is now one of the most viewed sites on the web!

A few weeks ago Frederick Mann contacted the
owners of ACX and offered their company an
incredible opportunity to absorb the business
of a number one company and make it better.

Many in the business world already regard
Frederick as an ICON in the Traffic Exchange
world, being held in high esteem for making
himself, and helping many others to become
"Internet Millionaires", many of them
starting with very limited financial
abilities. Frederick's stated goal has
always been to help the people who couldn't
be successful in Internet-based business
without a clear, easy-to-follow system.

Frederick made an astounding arrangement
for the owners of ACX to take over Profit
, which eventually led to this
exciting announcement.

Profit Clicking had experienced such rapid
growth that management had not been able
to build the corporate infrastructure
quickly or solidly enough to make the PC
program viable. Since PC's mechanism was
originally based on an "Indefinitely
Sustainable", patented system, they went
to the creator for guidance. Frederick
took time to evaluate the company and
ultimately advised Profit Clicking that
its members would be best served by being
acquired by ACX. The PC owners agreed with
the concept; with the understanding that
ACX as the new owner would honor PC's
obligations to members.

ACX is the organization that will take on
this huge. The ACX group is financially
stable, and the management team is very
experienced, and is operating ACX using
the "Indefinitely Sustainable" model!
ACX agreed to the proposal from PC,
insisting that Frederick stay on as a
consultant throughout the transition
and the restructuring of some of the
obligations of PC to the members.

ACX would like to officially give a great
big "WELCOME" to all PC members. Welcome
aboard! We are excited to have you on
board AD CLICK XPRESS and await your
participation and new ideas. Management
has created an array of new programs to
explore and familiarize you with the
new surroundings. We want you to feel
at home right away.

Here are more details:

For the future, Profit Clicking will
only be used as a reference web site;
for example, it will no longer accept
funding payments for its advertising
system, pay daily sales commissions,
or allow ad packages or gift cards to
be purchased - Profit Clicking will
eventually be discontinued completely.

All advertising you are doing for Profit
Clicking will be automatically redirected
to your new ACX Affiliate Web Site, located
in your new member area under "Make Money

When you log into Profit Clicking, you
will be provided with the opportunity to
migrate to the new system, Ad Click Xpress

You do not have to migrate to ACX; however,
if you do not, you will NOT be able to take
advantage of the opportunity to recover
any expected earnings from Profit Clicking
that you did not receive thus far - keep in
mind, the Profit Clicking web site will
completely close soon.

Profit Clicking Basic System Balances will
be transferred immediately to the ACX member
area for your review, and you will be able
to access the Profit Clicking Member Area
also, so feel free to compare your balances
in each and make sure no details were lost
during the migration.

Note that all Basic System Balances in
Profit Clicking have been credited back to
the wallets - that decision was made to
help members understand the migration

The Profit Clicking Premium System will
be migrated to ACX also, within the next
few days, but only after a ProfitShift
has taken place - read about ProfitShifts
in the PC Member Area.

If you bought pure advertising in Profit
Clicking, all your Traffic Exchange credits
have been transferred to the new ACX
Traffic Exchange; however, those of
affiliates (IBOSs) were not, so advertisers
should be happy about how fast you'll be
getting quality visitors to your web site
you're advertising in our new ACX Traffic

Here are some of the things that are
coming next at ACX:

- Help in multiple languages
- More banners and affiliate web sites
- Gift card system
- Live training system
- New, advanced advertising system

So take full advantage of the new,

Ad Click Xpress Advertising System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In ACX, you earn up to 20 cents per day
during the week, for every advertising
package you buy.

And you earn up to 10 cents per day on
the weekends (Saturday and Sunday),
for every advertising package you buy.

Up to two percent (2%) daily earnings on
ad packages purchased, until they reach
a maximum of $15 - that's up to 20 cents
per day per ad package, and you are
allowed to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back
$10      $15
$100     $150
$1,000   $1,500
$10,000  $15,000
$100,000 $150,000

It's up to you, how much you earn,
and this method of earning is
totally easy - simply view other
member web sites, only a few per day!

Get started today, by logging in at


Just accept the new ACX terms and
conditions and get started today!

Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral
and up to $2,500 a Day per second level
referral, just by promoting your web
sites to others, and we teach you how
to do it!

That's without buying any ad packages!

Yes, you have to do something that you
might never have done before, by telling
other people about this business
opportunity, but it's quite easy once
you see how we teach it.

Start learning how to promote online,
today - it's a great way to secure your
financial future!

And get ready for all the enhancements
to the user experience at Ad Click Xpress:

Okay, we're ready to serve you!


Very Important Information Follows

The Ad Click Xpress Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Ad Click Xpress accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Ad Click Xpress
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Ad Click Xpress Ad Package and
start earning!

It's very easy to make money with
Ad Click Xpress:

Working for our wealth and success,

Your Ad Click Xpress Success Team

P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Ad Click Xpress.

P.P.S. Ad Click Xpress is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
So now when you go ahead and log into your Profit Clicking account this is what you'll see:

The next thing you need to do is click on "Migrate Now" and ....
It will tell you that your account has successfully been migrated to ad Click Xpress... Click on "Login Now" and you will be forwarded to the Ad Click Xpress login page. 
Quite strange I did not receive and email about my account at Ad Click Xpress... Anyway, the login details are the same you use in Profit Clicking.

Notes about the migration:
Basic account has been migrated to Ad Click Xpress with all the funds you had in your wallet, as well as all referrals. 
Unfortunately you can see from this pic that the money transferred from PC is not in the "Wallet"... I tried to purchase ad packages in Ad Click Xpress and I do not have enough funds: Fresh Money out of Your Pocket is being Requested!
Premium will be migrated after the premium restart has taken place... 
You are still able to log into your Profit Clicking account but you cannot buy any packages (don't know who is going to do so??) nor request withdrawals (Nooo!! Really!!)...


  1. it will be same.. like put your fresh money and use few % of pc money blaab blaaaaaab

    1. No, there is nothing about a percentage of the PC money there. PC money only available to purchase views in the Traffic Exchange :(

    2. Hi there Tony!

      Not in my plans either to make any purchase there. I also hope that we can use money from premium but I'm not counting on it...

  2. So our money from PC basic is good for nothing...And in Premium it will be a profitshift and probably we will remain also with nothing...Great...:(((

    1. Eduard, maybe we can use the premium money at least to purchase a few Ad Packs :P... maybe...

  3. this time we have to purchase acx traffic =))

    1. Yes, our Profit Clicking basic account money is only good to purchase traffic there....

  4. Now we have 2 programs belongs to Mr. Frederick Mann.

    1) Ad Click Express
    2) Click Paid

    Is Click Paid Paying? What do you think which program has a capability to operate for about 2-3 years as both are new?

    1. As far as I know ClickPaid is paying... so far so good; but I have not put any money into it. I don't think I will put money into Ad Click Xpress either...

  5. Time to face facts guys. We will never see our money. Its just a massive scam

  6. hi juan, I am worried about my active basic ads, I used to have 138 active ads, will they be reactivated ? I have now is 200$ in basic balance. By the way I always visit you blog to see the changes, Thank you for the info!

    1. Hello Agus,

      you don't have to be worried... they are gone. I used to have over 500 active ad packs and those where all expired but 8... and those 8 ad packages have not been transferred into ACX. The $2200 transferred from my PC Basic account into ACX are only good to purchase views in the ACX traffic exchange.

  7. Juan what does above comment mean:
    'I assumed I had lost 90% of everything when PC were messing around with the basic wallet recently. The fact they put it all back was nice, but I can now see we are no better off and you might as well write off those funds again'

    does this mean PC have given our money back, i can see in my dashboard at bottom it says 'currently in your account' $55.70, this is no way close to the original $830 i invested (plus even with profit shift, it should be more than $830 as i was everyday viewing ads and repurchasing)

    here is more dash-info:

    Weekday (A x D) / Weekend (B x D) 0.80 / 0.40

    Also shall i migrate to new system (but i am not sure i have all my original amount back)?

    1. What that post was telling is that someday back PC took all the money and active ad packs we had. In my case I had over 500 active positions and all of a sudden I only had 8. And from over $2K in my account they left about $22. Then one day they put back the $2K I had before. This is the money they now have transferred to my ACX account. But this money is only good for purchasing views in ACX. You cannot withdraw it nor use it to purchase ad packages in ACX.
      You have to migrate as PC will be discontinued... so unless any other changes happen you've lost $830 :(

  8. Ad Click Express...LOL another leg of the scam I feel, I have money showing in my basic account yet I can't do anything with it, what a joke I think, wait and see how long and how much the premium profit shift takes, I had $200 in queue for withdrawal that seems to have disappeared, only yesterday I got my support ticket answered at PC saying my withdrawal would be honored and all the time this was happening, the ad click express site is exactly the same setup as the PC site, a wolf in sheeps clothing I feel

    1. Yep... waiting for premium profit shift, too. Let's see what is going to happen with the money there.

  9. Replies
    1. Premium is not yet available. First the Premium Profit Shift has to be done.

  10. Good Day Juan,I already migrated my account toACX yesterday and i was able to purchase 4 ad packages for 40.00.The problem is today when i tried to login to see my account i can not login.Is the site down.?

    1. Hello! Site is loading for me but there is any kind of problem with the dashboard as it keep refreshing all the time...

  11. how is frederick mann legally able to do this? luckily i only put in about $60 of my own money. i know people that put in thousands. my goal from now on is to do all i can to expose this fraud and put out as much negative pr as i can on anything he does online.
    people work hard for their money and he is a blatant crook and nothing is being done about it.
