Monday, September 30, 2013

What about this new ACX Media Exchange?

Hi there friends!

Have you heard about the "New" Ad Click Xpress Media Exchange. I say "New" because this sounds like when we where in Profit Clicking and they launched the "New" Premium Ad Packs. But this time it is the other way around as the new ACX Media Exchange Ad Pack costs half the price instead of double the price like it was when PC launched the Premium Ad Packs
I don't know but this looks quite fishy to me and I don't understand the need of launching a new ad pack thing in a business that is working fine... or isn't it working fine?? Do they need money from the ACX Media Exchange to be able to pay the "regular" ACX Ad Packs like they did in Profit Clicking
Fishy.... very fishy. I don't know if I'm going to make it to my goal of $5 per day...

Here is the email in case you missed it:
Greetings Juan!

Hello and Welcome to our newest ACX Members.  In case
you didn't already know this, ACX is one of the fastest
growing money-making programs on the internet today.
So if you are new to the ACX family, rest assured that you
have made a wise decision in joining us!

Media Xchange--

If you like the ACX Ad Packages and Panels system that
pays you to view websites every day, you are going to
LOVE our new ACX Media Xchange System that pays you
to watch videos, listen to music or view photos and other
images online!  The best part is that you can earn MORE
with the new Media Packages and Panels.  Plus, it's going
to be a lot more fun.

Media Packages will cost $5 each, earning $0.10 on
weekdays and $0.05 on weekends.  You will continue to
earn these amounts until your Media Pack has paid you
up to $7.50.  Doesn't that sound familiar? It's because it
is basically the same as the Ad Packages, only half the
price. Buy two Media Packs for $10 and then it's exactly
the same.  Cool, huh!  Earn up to 150% in about 88 days.

You might be saying to yourself, "How do I earn more
money if it is just like the Ad Packs?"  We believe this new
Media Pack System is going to attract many more people
to join ACX because we are now paying members for
actions they are already doing every day!  Watching videos,
viewing photos, or listening to music online is one of the
main activities of people who own handheld mobile devices,
which just happens to be nearly everyone on the planet!

ACX is very anxious to get the Media Xchange system
started, giving all the members another income stream!
Get your favorite videos, music and images ready for upload.
What a great way to make money!

There will be more information about the Media Xchange
launch coming soon, so keep your eyes and ears open.
And be sure to tell your friends and family to get ready to
make money doing what they already love to do!
Green Light System--

We are aware that some green lights are opening and closing
rather quickly.  This is something we are taking steps to make
more convenient for our members.  Thank you for your patience
and understanding.  If by chance you are unable to place a
withdrawal during a 24-hour period, your best strategy is to use
those funds to purchase more Ad Packs.  Allowing money to sit
in your wallet is not maximizing the system.  Money is meant to
be working and that requires movement.  Making your money
work for you is what we do at ACX!

Let's make the first week of October the best week ever!
Thanks again for being part of the ACX family!

ACX Executive Team

The Green Light System:
It's funny they told us, when they launched the Green Light System, that the mayor payment processors, STP and Payza, would never have a red light. So what are they telling us in this last update? People have not been able to withdraw money for over 24 ours? And the solution is to purchase new ad packs??? 
What a joke :(


  1. Yes Juan sure sounds fishy, I am still going and am just building from 2 ad packs now to see if I can get money back but the green light system is the cause for concern..... The main reason for the green light is they can only pay out when people add money or they don't have any in the processors, the main payment processors are Payza and STP so they get more money in them and this is why they have green light more often, I hope I can build enough to get my original investment back but I feel it would have collapsed by then!
    They have no way of making money except new deposits, it isn't Rev Share, the new Media Packs are in place to generate more income this is why they are cheaper, but it won't last :-)

  2. Juan I've tried to send you email, which contains a video about this ACX scam. I've captured it. In this video, you can see a complete failure of ACX green light system.

    Please send me your email address. I've tried of an address, but it fails.

    1. Hello Umar.
      Is that video on youtube? If so please post the link here for everyone to see it ;)
