Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Profit Clicking site hacked?

I just started my computer and wanted to do my daily routine check of my Profit Clicking account when I found this while accessing the profitclicking.com website:
I don't know what this all about and I'm not even sure if it is safe now to access the site. Maybe Profit Clicking has been hacked? I'll wait to get an email from the Profit Clicking staff before atempting to access the site!

Well... seems like the problem is not from Profit Clicking itself but from my own web browser :( I was looking for the problem in many forums but seems like that no one else has it.


  1. I live in the UK. Website of the PC did not work. Nor is there any email from PC

    1. Yes... I'm not able to get to the main site nor log in... Don't know what's going on...

  2. I did get an email from PC about this. They warned us about this as they are upgrading security to the site.

    1. Hello Tania, I have not received any email about this problem. Anyway it seems the site is working fine now :)

  3. Hi Juan

    I have exactly the same thing as you have, and I am in Australia. The Russian text and then the English text and then a screen capture. It comes up at random times for me. Sometimes PRofitClicking loads and sometimes it doesn't.

    Hope this sorts out soon, and thanks for your blog.

    1. Well, it seems that now it's ok as I do not get this site when I open the Profit Clicking dot com site.
      I stil have not received any email about this matter so I have no idea what it was all about...

  4. I only have one question: How do I keep promoting a site that doesn't pay me? I've been a member since 2010 and I'm still waiting for my "$60 bonus" from the then Matrices, back when it was still JBP. Moving over to PC, have done whatever there is to be done,as in purchasing accelerators, etc but still.

    Even worse, I've been waiting for my withdrawn money since November last year, and to add insult to injury, the money was returned but the situation has not improved a bit. Instead they reduced the withdrawal maximum to $100, but you still can't get it anyway.

    BUT WAIT!! I'm supposed to say good things about this program and promote it? WHY? and what do I say exactly to my prospects online and offline about this business? That I have a lot of money on the program but I can't even get a single dollar out of it? It's pointless frustrating.

  5. I just put a complaint on FBI´s Complaint Referral Form
    Internet Crime Complaint Center
    The only thing we can do now is try to stop these people from stealing more people.I´ve lost 3000 dolars in there...

  6. Profitclicking this not a big scam IS a Huge Scam. I can't widthraw since August!!!
    I didn't lose money with justbeenpaid, but now they are stealing money to new members.

    1. Yes, it is a shame. Do you think they will ever start paying their members again?

  7. A part of me wants to hope they will start paying soon but a big part of me can't help but be negative about this whole PC thing. To think of the money that I have in there...overwhelming.

  8. No they won't pay..... It's a scam and that's it..

    1. I know I'm a dreamer but I hope you are wrong.... ;)

  9. Hi there,

    This is the most sophisticated scam I ever saw on the internet. Without paying a dime, still they get some investments all over the world due to not going the message to the internet community that they are a huge scam.. come out of your fantasies and be in the real world buddy.. If they never paid me soon, I'm planing to spread the message as much as I can through major traffic exchanges.. that way I can heal myself at least a little for being a damn fool terribly in my life..

    1. This is what has to be done to stop people from joining and spending money on s site thst is not paying >:(

  10. am just receiving same thing on the 20th march 2013
