Hi there friends!
Have heard about the "great" news?
To our valued member of Click Paid, now ACX,
A corporate spokesman for Ad Click Xpress (ACX)
has announced the acquisition of the online
advertising company Click Paid. All assets, program
codes and membership organizations will be
integrated into the ACX system over the coming
days and weeks. Members of Click Paid should take
comfort in knowing the advertising money and
earnings they have in Click Paid will transfer to ACX
intact, and the integrity of their down line
organization will continue uninterrupted.
Ad Click Xpress is a multinational organization, with
tremendous executive experience in the online
advertising industry and strong financial backing.
The decision was made to merge the two companies
after reviewing the compliant nature of their
advertisement bidding program and the remarkable
computer code that was developed to run Frederick
Mann's powerful money-making algorithm.
In June of 2013, Ad Click Xpress also acquired Profit
Clicking - the executive team at ACX was convinced
that this company also held tremendous opportunities
for expanding their market share in the online
advertising industry. Now with this most recent news,
along with the memberships of Profit Clicking and
Click Paid, ACX is poised to be the dominant player
in one of the fastest growing industries on the web.
Current members of Click Paid are encouraged to
watch for further details in the coming days in order
to complete a seamless migration into the Ad Click
Xpress system. Rest assured that all monies earned
in Click Paid will transfer into a separate wallet for
use in the new program. The ACX team understands
why you joined Click Paid in the first place and will
work hard to ensure that your financial dreams will
continue to expand.
To Your Success,
ACX Executive Team
A corporate spokesman for Ad Click Xpress (ACX)
has announced the acquisition of the online
advertising company Click Paid. All assets, program
codes and membership organizations will be
integrated into the ACX system over the coming
days and weeks. Members of Click Paid should take
comfort in knowing the advertising money and
earnings they have in Click Paid will transfer to ACX
intact, and the integrity of their down line
organization will continue uninterrupted.
Ad Click Xpress is a multinational organization, with
tremendous executive experience in the online
advertising industry and strong financial backing.
The decision was made to merge the two companies
after reviewing the compliant nature of their
advertisement bidding program and the remarkable
computer code that was developed to run Frederick
Mann's powerful money-making algorithm.
In June of 2013, Ad Click Xpress also acquired Profit
Clicking - the executive team at ACX was convinced
that this company also held tremendous opportunities
for expanding their market share in the online
advertising industry. Now with this most recent news,
along with the memberships of Profit Clicking and
Click Paid, ACX is poised to be the dominant player
in one of the fastest growing industries on the web.
Current members of Click Paid are encouraged to
watch for further details in the coming days in order
to complete a seamless migration into the Ad Click
Xpress system. Rest assured that all monies earned
in Click Paid will transfer into a separate wallet for
use in the new program. The ACX team understands
why you joined Click Paid in the first place and will
work hard to ensure that your financial dreams will
continue to expand.
To Your Success,
ACX Executive Team
So we now have to migrate our ClickPaid account as well.. lol!
I don't know what is going on but this really seems like a joke. As our fellow member "Aly" wrote in a comment a few days back their "Million Dollar Challange" is not even worth one cent ;P Their businesses are going down the drain all by themselves so it is just a matter of time that ACX follows the same path....
Watch out for your money!!