Friday, July 19, 2013

Purchased my first ACX Ad pack

Hi there friends!

Just a short post to let you know that today I was able to purchase my first Ad Click Xpress Ad Package with my earnings and the 30% money from my Profit Clicking premium money
If you have not followed my story I received a free position in ACX, just like everybody else when the program started, and a position that was transferred from my Profit Clicking Premium account. Today my earnings reached $7.30 so I checked the option of purchasing a new ad pack. Certainly the option was there and the system automatically checked the check-box to use 30% from my premium account. So I now have 3 ad packages.

So please, this doesn't mean that I'm happy with ACX... far from it. I'm just working my way to try and get back any money I can get. 
Good luck!


  1. I also purchased today my ad pack and I also have 3 now...

  2. let me know when u withdrawn ur first cash

    1. I have withdrawal proof see myacxprogres blog by searching key word acx payment proof on google

  3. In my ACX account, i have not even used it or even took advantage of the free $10 they give you, but in my 'My Wallet' it says Basic wallet: 5622.5, but in middle column it says 'currently in you account' 0.00

    does this mean i currently have in ACX ACCOUNT i have a total $5622.5, and i can withdraw this money out (i assume its money that we lost in PC, even though i lost $830, but i will get it back)

    1. Means the money you had in Profir Clickinghas been transferred to ACX and that you can use it to help you purchase newad packs if you want to. You can not withdraw that money but use a percentage to purchase new ad packs

  4. Also when you log into PC, it says this:

    ''As part of the migration agreement, Ad Click Xpress intends to honor your Profit Clicking losses and expected earnings - this is very important news for the frustrated PC members who are still out of pocket or had expected to retire early''

    what does above mean, we get our money back, HOW? by investing in ACX by adding new funds?

    1. Yes, if you add new funds you can use 10% of your basic account wallet to help you purchase new ad packs. If you have funds in premium account you can use up to 30% to purchase new ad packs.
      Yocan also purchase new ad packs with your daily earnings from your active ad packs, if you have any ;)

  5. Thanks for the info Juan. Let's see how far we can leverage our Basic and Premium accounts to purchase ad packs from ACX.


    1. Thanks for your post Glenn ;)

      Best of luck and get back all you can!!

  6. Juan please wait up to 20Days to check our ACX attitude (don't re-invest by buying ad packs),put first withdrawal worth 10$...

  7. Have you read the update of minimum withdraw $10 for a limited time? Is this a technique for convincing people to put money?

    1. Yes, surely another trick... I hope they keep paying for a few month so maybe we can et a few $$ back!
